Saturday, August 13, 2011

Chair Nominations!!!

Well here are the nominations(4 batches of them)
Ok first batch is magical,agg14,Flintzy(me),kytyn,Loki Terry and Mini.
1st Batch

Ok second batch is Isaki, creator,Gelu,Jen and 2 from Robert.
2nd Batch

Ok third batch is Robert(again), toofang, Anika,Ethan16400,Felix,Mackenziee.
3rd Batch

And forth batch is bluewish and two of emily's.
4th Batch

New Chair Nominations!!!

They have been a number of great chairs submitted to Tinkafair and now its times to nominate!!

Way to go Vilus!!!!

After a week of multiplying votes the winner was Vilius!!!He's spaceship sure earned this and soon it will be added to the Mechanicals Shop for tinkas to make!!Well done!

Cheweh's Woot Wednesday!!

Cheweh has been awarded the Woot badge for this Wednesday.His self-tinka portrait earned him this rare badge!

Sweetflame's Pad of the Week!!

This week was Sweetflame's week congrats!!!That must have taken a lot of time to make the wallpaper!

Mudpatch for Subscribers only!

Mudpatch has now been placed in the category for members(along with Kelp Key and Bluff's Base),maybe rare junk will be put there??

Friday, August 5, 2011

Beta Version O.166!!!

A new version has been put on to be tested.Some interesting updates especially the one with 'GPU acceleration'.This what kevin posted on forums:

"this one is mostly there to get ready for some future updates, butit does fix a few bugs.

- fixes bug that could cause stuff to be lost when putting it in the house
- fixes bug that lets sneaky tinkas find a trader item, put it in their house, and then find again. (if this bug is not fixed, I would still like to know. even though it ruins the fun for the clever tinkas, it also throws off the balance of the game in the long run)
- fixes bug that caused some changes to Tinkas to not be saved

It is also possible that this version makes the game faster, as I have enabled something called "GPU acceleration" that should let your computers graphic card do some of the work - please let me know if you notice any difference (or if it causes any graphics bugs)"-Kevin

New Nominations!!!

New nominations have been applied to Tinkafair!Tinkas will now vote(and like)the makeables.The contest will end next Friday(12th August), so get voting for the one you think should be our new makeable!Good luck to the nominees: kittenheart,whatelsa,Vilius,Tdawg,Halfdan and emily!To me they all look cool(I voted for all of them).My favourite ones are the chandelier,spaceship and the bike.

Make-A-Makeable Challenge!!!

The TT staff has just written in the Tinkazette that a new competition has just been declared.These few day tinkas are required to make a 'chair' out of junk in real life and then submit it to Tinkafair.Then they will have a chance to get nominated and then voted for.This is another start to a new makeable!Good luck to those that participate!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Milkshake's Tinkapad!!!

This was Milk's week as he got himself the badge for his awesome pad!!!I like how he has Mechanicals on the exterior of his pad.Well done mate!!!I hope to see more pads like yours :D!

Chatbox and Fun Section Added

I recently just added a Chatbox and Fun Section to the blog!It consists of the chatbox and some cool games.The chatbox has some rules and guide lines that tinkas need to follow.The games might be changed once in a while.Enjoy the page!

Trader Tiro Badge Info

The TT staff have confirmed that to start getting the badge,they will be counting from next week so I guess we have to be patient and hold our horses! :P

Kevin's Birthday!!!

Today is Kevin McLean's Birthday!!!Me and all the other tinkas on TT wish our helpful staff member a Happy Birthday!May your birthday wishes come true!!!
"Kevin, you are a great member of the staff,
you make us happy,joyful and laugh,
You made us a fun game.
you should go on the world's hall of fame!
We thank you a ton,
For what you have done.
And we hope Tinkatolli will be #1!"
A poem I made for Kevin.Once again Happy B'day!

Introducing Woot Wednesdays!!!

The Woot award was so successful that TT now decided a day to award our artistic tinkas.The day will be Wednesday!This Wednesday was TheYAS's lucky day as she was awarded for her nice pic of the Wise Tinka.Well done!!!

New Unusual!!!

The other day, there was an unusual item to collect.To find you had to go to Tinkertown and look under the blue table near the Tinkafe.To get it you also had to use some seeds.I don't exactly know what it is but, it does look quite unusual!!!Credit to Cstaryeah.